A noble mission can only be successful when several hearts and hands join together. We earnestly seek your kind support and cooperation in pursuit of this great task. The task is a mountain, but we do strongly believe that for us, together – nothing is impossible.

“We are the stones, we are the Sculptor, we are the Chistle and we evolve our own sculpture” – Please join hands with us.

We seek your assistance through

Your Contributions

Academic Contributions

Professional Contributions

Support Students

Your Contribution

We strongly believe every person is an unique creation of god. Consequently every person is capable to contribute something unique available to him/her. Some of which areas are:

  • Technical Assistance
  • Academic Talent and Partnership
  • Tools –  Equipments
  • References – Introductions
  • Research – Articles
  • Financial Resources

Academic Contributions – Donate Knowledge

Knowledge is a noble gift that can be given to as many as we can, and the resource would keep increasing. “ Vidya Danam” is considered to be the blessing bestowed upon a learner, by his teacher. It strengthens the learner’s mind and gives an immense value to the life of the learner.
We all wanted to learn and shape ourselves to be the best. Many of us still keep learning from our lives and the lessons taught to us by our teachers, society and the Almighty. Let our own leanings and experiences and expertise be passed on to the future generations, as a torch of light – the Knowledge, to remove the darkness.