A drop of water means so much to us. Drops of water together,becomes rivers and mighty oceans.Your kind gesture of help – even as a minute drop of water would add a value to our endeavour.A drop of water,could be a student, who can become a pearl, if we provide the support of shaping them, as the sea shell does. A drop of water could even mean the span of ones life on this planet earth. (budbuda prayam)- the longevity of life is just as a drop. We have a purpose and a divine mission assigned to us by the Almighty. Let us make this drop our life a meaningful mission of God.
We earnestly seek your
- Active support, guidance and feedback from the Professions in Industry and Academics in identification of areas of specialisations in each program that is unique and essential for the Industry and Society.
- Participation and Support for various programmes being taken up by Sai RAM Trust.
- Initiative in assigning us Research Projects and research consultancy to the Trust.
- Your involvement for a noble cause for Social Change.